Jenny’s Journalings

Rejoicing in God’s Goodness

    Tomorrow morning I will be interviewed by the local TBN station, and I’m both excited and a little nervous.  OK, maybe more than a little.  But as I thought about what I would want to share, I was overwhelmed by God’s goodness, and how much my life has changed for the better. Ten years ago I was…


Cloudy Days

Today I woke up “on the wrong side of the bed.” My thoughts were in a jumble, and I found it hard to think clearly or positively. I don’t know about you, but that’s not a good way for me to start the day. Yesterday I encountered some tough things , and by the time I got home I…


Treasuring the Moment

Friday I had the delight of having my grandsons spend the night with us.  It’s one of my favorite things! In the morning, after spending time with The Lord, I started some writing. At the time everyone was asleep, but the youngest boy, barely awake, comes up and asks if he can snuggle. How do I resist? I don’t….



    Those of you who were following my blog probably noticed that I hadn’t posted anything for several months.  I absolutely love blogging, but honestly I just got to the point where I had to cut out all distractions in order to buckle down and write my book. Writer’s call it “bum glue”, when you just have to…


Celebrating God’s Goodness

As we approach Thanksgiving this year, I have become more conscious of how much I have been given. I have a greater awareness than ever before of the amazing goodness of the Lord! So often in the past I focused on the areas in my life where I had been wounded. But the Lord has shown me in countless…


Riding the Waves

In case you haven’t noticed, I am fascinated by the ocean. I grew up on Long Island, NY, where my parents would take me to the beach during the summers. It was so different then. There were big sand dunes that my brother and sisters and I could climb, and then we would run down to the shore to…


Finding Peace in the Midst

Have you ever come home feeling kind of out of sorts? You’re not even sure what’s wrong, but you just want the discomfort to be gone? It certainly happens to me. Even if I have a good day, sometimes I can just feel “off”, and I’m not even sure why. That’s when I have a choice. What am I…


It’s Not a Competition

This morning I was thinking about a subject I seem to be especially drawn to—the problem of comparison and competition. If we could conquer this one area in our life, there is no telling what we could become, or rather who we could become—our truest selves. I can only speak from my own experience. As I step into the…


Nothing to Prove

                  A lot has been happening since I last blogged…two retreats and a trip to Haiti to name a few…phew!!!  I am also in the midst of transition, as I pass the baton of being the nurse manager at the pregnancy center where I’ve worked for the past seven years. I…