Rejoicing in God’s Goodness


beautiful tapestry...


Tomorrow morning I will be interviewed by the local TBN station, and I’m both excited and a little nervous.  OK, maybe more than a little.  But as I thought about what I would want to share, I was overwhelmed by God’s goodness, and how much my life has changed for the better.

Ten years ago I was suffering with debilitating anxiety, and experiencing frequent panic attacks.  I had always had a tendency to be anxious, but suddenly it had become paralyzing.  Before I even knew what was happening, I was having an angiogram and went into cardiac arrest for several minutes.  Even after I was “back”, I was in ICU because of neurological issues.  Yet five days later I walked out of the hospital with no ill affects.

After the Lord miraculously healed my heart, I wish I could tell you that the panic was gone.  In actuality I continued to struggle, though never as intensely.  But my God never left me.  With the help of others who believed in the power of prayer, I can tell you with joy that I haven’t had a panic attack in seven years.  All glory to God!!

Here’s the thing…if you’d told me back then I would be panic free, working a job that I love, and writing novels, I probably would’ve said you were crazy.  When you’re drowning in a pit of despair, it’s nearly impossible to imagine life will ever be different.

Tonight I want to encourage you to believe that the Lord is working everything together for good for those who love God (Romans 8:28).  I pray that you will lift your eyes to the hill, where your help comes from (Psalm 121:1).

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