Somewhere in Between

This morning I acknowledge the tug of war within. Part of me wants to move forward, stepping into all I believe God has for my future. At the same time, another part of me holds back. On April 13, 2018, The man I was married to for 38 years died in his sleep. He was just 61. It’s been…


When Waves Threaten to Take You Under

This past week has been painful. Facing the first Fourth of July without Charlie was particularly difficult. A day I would have spent with my husband. Perhaps taking a long drive, then barbequing and inviting our children and grandchildren over to eat and hang out. Although I was not alone, I couldn’t escape the waves of loneliness and grief…


Riding the Waves

In case you haven’t noticed, I am fascinated by the ocean. I grew up on Long Island, NY, where my parents would take me to the beach during the summers. It was so different then. There were big sand dunes that my brother and sisters and I could climb, and then we would run down to the shore to…