Sweet Transitions

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I cannot tell you how good it feels to actually sit down and type out this blog.  I’ve missed you guys!

Autumn is a season of change, and if that’s true my life seems to be in sync.  I don’t typically share a lot of specifics about my family, but because these past months have been so impactfull I wanted to share it with you.

Recently our daughter, Kelsey, moved back home as she anticipated the birth of her child.  I cherish all the late nights, talking and connecting.  Precious memories.  An empty nest was soon to be filled.

Kelsey was diagnosed with MS two years ago, and at 32 weeks she had a major attack.  Those were difficult days. It is not easy to watch a loved one suffer with pain…even confusion and fear.

One month later she was hit with a potentially life-threatening condition called pre-eclampsia.  As a result she was induced, and on August 30th she gave birth to a beautiful little boy named Remington—Remy for short.

I don’t know about you, but there’s just something about a brand new baby that leaves me in awe of my Creator.  Perhaps watching my daughter struggle through all those months intensified my feelings for my grandson.  All I know is that I was instantly smitten.  Those little lips; the tiny fingers and toes.  Even his cry was adorable!

Remy at rest...beautiful!

Remy at rest…beautiful!

Kelsey needed to be re-admitted twice more for complications.  There were some frightening moments.  Then on September 11th my husband, Charlie, was in a motorcycle accident.  Although he fractured a collarbone and a rib, we were so thankful, knowing that it could have been so much worse.  I am also incredibly grateful to say that Kelsey and Remy are doing well.

Even now, everywhere I look, we are in transition.  We are in the process of fixing up the house to make more space.  My routines have been disrupted, sometimes in the sweetest of ways.  Nevertheless, change can be hard.

I wish I could say that I walked all this out in complete faith, knowing God is in control.  The truth is I had days.  Still, I prayed.  I pressed into the God of all comfort—and He was always there, waiting.

Here is a short excerpt from my journal, when I sensed the Lord answering the cry of my heart:

Come to Me, dear one.  You can have as much of Me as you want.  The more you seek Me, the more you will find that I am everything you’ve ever needed.  Be still.  Stop trying so hard, and simply rest in Me.  Rest in My presence where there is fullness of joy.  Surrender the worry.  Seek My face first, and everything else will fall in place.   How does worry benefit you?  It is toxic—give it to Me!  I am the King of kings and the Lord of lords.  Nothing is too difficult for Me.  Believe that I am who I say I am, and rest in My arms of love.

Your Heavenly Father

(Matt. 6:33-34, Matt 7:7-11, Ps 46:10, Ps 16:11, Matt 11:28-30, Jer 32:27, Deut 33:27)

I pray that no matter what you may be going through, you will turn to the God of all comfort, and find His arms are open wide.

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