Draw Me Nearer

My sister-in-law Bess sent me a link to this song a few weeks ago, and I listened to it again this morning. The couple singing are Keith & Kristyn Getty, and they’re from Ireland. Apparently they are currently on a tour in the U.S. right now.

I had never heard their name, but they are singing the song of my heart. Don’t you love that when that happens? When someone is able to go beyond the music and wing the words that you are feeling straight into your heart? That is the magic of the song-it can go where other words cannot. The singer and the words then have the power to soothe and to comfort, or to strengthen and encourage. So powerful.

I pray that this poem that she recites and the song that she sings will bring comfort and encouragement to those who need it today. But I suggest that you copy the link and save it for a “rainy day”. For even if your day is happy and full of sunshine, the difficult days will come to us all. The question is, how will we face those times? Who will we turn to? I suggest that as the poem says, we turn to the “strong, unsleeping Light”. Our Father God alone is able to help us bear up under the struggle.

I hope you enjoy.  Many blessings on your day!

The Watches of the Night

I looked toward the wintering trees, to hush my fretful soul

as they rise to face the icy sky, and hold fast beneath the snow

and their rings grow wide, their roots go deep

that they might hold their height

and stand like valiant soldiers in the watches of the night

and no human shoulder ever bears the weight of all the world

but hearts can sink beneath the ache of troubles sudden surge

yet far beyond all knowing there’s a strong unsleeping Light

that reaches ’round to hold me, through the watches of the night

And I have cried upon the steps that seemed too steep for me to climb

and I’ve prayed against a burden that I did not want to be mine

but here I am, and this is where you’re calling me to fight

and you I will remember through the watches of the night

and you I will remember through the watches of the night

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